Friday, September 3, 2010


Hi! Everyone please go check out THE CLOTH DIAPER WHISPERER blog! They give away free fluff every friday! :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 Months Already

Hey everyone! I haven't really had any free time to get online and write anything. SO much has went on since the last time I wrote. Aiden has gotten soooo big he is around 19 pounds and over 27 inches long. He can roll over, sit up, hold his own bottle, he can scoot around on his belly, and now he is saying mama. He got his first tooth the other night and has been extremely fussy ever since. I can't believe it has been half a year since I gave birth to the most beautiful little boy in the world time is going by so fast.

Ben has got his business started and we got our first paycheck not that long ago. Of course most of it went on our bills which got a little behind while we were waiting for the money to come in. Things are looking up though, we are hoping to get a washer and dryer through aaron's soon since I have switched over to Cloth Diapers. Washing them in the bath tub is a total pain!

We have started working on our bedroom and are picking out paint colors now. I really have no idea how I want it to look. There are so many options and I love all of them, I think really I am looking for something modern yet not too out there and still affordable. I was thinking about going with green and and olive type color but I haven't found any bedding or furniture to match yet.

Well that is a brief catch up on what has been going on. Also, if you would, please subscribe to t4int3dVlog on youtube. It is a channel Ben, our friend Alex, and myself have created. We are actually in the process of uploading our first video right now.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2 Months!

Aiden is now 2 months old! It is so hard to believe that he hasn't always been in my life. I hardly ever get to post now because we don't have internet at the house and I don't get time when we visit Grandmama. He weighed 11lbs 6ozs at his one month checkup, he goes in Thursday for shots and check-up. I feel strange that I'm not nervous about the shots I see all these posts where moms cried and didn't want to go but forced themselves. In my mind shots are a part of growing up and with his short memory he will forget all about it in no time. Maybe it will be different when it really happens but for right now I understand he needs shots!
I love and hate at the same time how quickly he is growing up. I love seeing him accomplish new things but hate that the little things are passing by so quickly. I can no longer swadle him and just hold him and look at him, he fights the blanket and cries when you don't talk to him. I love that he has almost complete head control but hate that I can no longer just hold him against my shoulder because he fights to look around. I guess that is normal though being a parent is a love/hate relationship.
It is amazing how I can be worried about him not eating enough one day to each too much the next! Be holding him still to change him so he won't roll over then 5 minutes later encouraging him to. I wonder if he gets as confused as I do? lol. For now I just want to spend every miute with him before I know it he'll be wanting to spend every minute away from me!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Aiden Glenn is born

Aiden Glenn Warden was born Janaury 7 2010 at 5:58 p.m. He weighed 8lbs and 7 ozs and was 21 1/4 inches long!
I was induced, broke my water and started the pitocin at 7:30 am. Went natural until the second time they upped the dose of pitocin then contractions were coming every 30 seconds so I got the epidural. After that I went from 6 to 8 to 10cm and around 3 p.m. we were ready to push. Pushed for around an hour until Aiden was born! Had two small tears internally and the epidural was wearing off for the repair so it was very painful.
He was holding up his head and smiling in the hospital the next day! since then he had started following objects, trying to roll over, sit up and crawl! He won't even be 3 weeks until tomorrow! I am so proud of my baby boy and can't wait to see what else he has in store to amaze me...
he will be waking up soon so I will post more later!